
Showing posts from April, 2008

Nail Art - Acrylic and Fake Nails

Nail art is a really good fashion statement - although it is a really small part of the body but it’s very cute and outstanding if you color it RIGHT - it is just like wearing other accessories, doing nail coloring especially putting long acrylic and fake nail become another fashion trend. I really think the best nail art maker is Japanese, where this all nail art fuss started. So I tried to get it done when I went to Japan last time =) Here’re some more pictures to inspire you to do nail art this spring. Good bye French manicure and welcome hello kitty =) Acrylic and Fake Nails

Lovely Red Tip Nail Design

Lovely Red Tip Nail Design This nail set is well done in every ways. The fading of the glitter red power on top of the clear power is a fantastic combination. A shinny gel coat must have been applied to this full set to achieve the shinny effect. This nail design is lovely for the up coming Valentine’s Day Holiday . This creation is stunning and beautiful at the same time.

Colorful Peacock Nail Art Design

Colorful, pink, green, yellow, red, peacock nail art design gallery pictures

Dotting Nail Art Designs

Colorful Dots Nail Design

Spangly Nail Design for Girls

Spangly Nail Design for Girls

Beautiful Nails With OPI Nail Polish

Beautiful Nails With OPI Nail Polish There’s just nothing quite as elegant and graceful looking than a set of manicured nails. Although getting a nails manicure these days isn’t just for the rich and famous, there are still some things to keep in mind when getting one. One is to make sure you only use the best quality and long lasting products out there. If you’re one to believe that all nail polish are the same, you are completely wrong. If you don’t believe me, go out and buy the cheapest nail polish available, try it on and see what happens. Even though nails manicure products and brands are a dime a dozen, finding one to stick to is fairly straight forward. You just have to listen to what other users are saying, what your trusted nail salon recommends and what’s usually the one people rave about. One such nails manicure brand that fit this criteria is OPI. OPI Nail is and has been a trusted brand for generations. Used by many many nail salons over the world, OPI Nail was founded

Intensive Moisture Treatment

Intensive Moisture Treatment In not forget to pamper your hands aside from your nails. Apply moisturizers so natural oils can be replenished. Once in a while, should try to do an intensive moisture treatment for your hands. Sometimes, normal application of moisturizers just doesn’t cut it so make sure to schedule doing an intensive moisture treatment before you sleep even just once a week. To start with your hand’s intensive moisture treatment, you should get yourself a pair of cotton gloves. These gloves were especially made for overnight moisturizing. There are many products out there that are made for this. Personally, I will just use any hand moisturizer that is available. I will then put on the gloves and then sleep. The result is that it will pamper your hands and your manicure will last a lot longer at the same time. Intensive Moisture Treatment

Pink Decorated Manicure Ideas

Colorful manicure ideas Sweet manicure with pink flower decoration Sweet transparent manicure with pink sparkle and white pink flowers Sweet transparent manicure with pink sparkle and little black butterfly Pink decorated manicure ideas

What is the Pedicure?

A pedicure is a way to improve the appearance of the feet, and their nails. It basically is a manicure for the feet. The word pedicure comes form the Latin words pes, which means foot, and cura, which means care. It also means the care of the feet and toenails. A pedicure can be helpful because it can prevent nail diseases and nail disorders. History: The history of pedicures dates back to ancient Egypt. A carving of a pharaoh's official was noted as representing pedicures and manicures. Pedicures contain different parts : 1. Filing 2. Cuticle nipping - clipping excess cuticle around nail. When clipping cuticles, care needs to be taken to avoid infection. 3. Cleansing the nails - wash nails in finger bath with warm, soapy water. 4. Buffing - shaping of the nails. the nails.

More Nail Tips

Shaping Your Fingernails Polished nails and healthy cuticles aren't the only things that make your fingernails beautiful. Keeping your nails trimmed and shaped properly helps to create a glamorous look to your hands. Every hand is different, but there are few common shapes and sizes to hands that can help you to determine how you should shape your nails. The way your cuticle is shaped will also help * For cuticles that are oval at the base, square shaped nails are appropriate * For cuticles that are pointed, oval shaped nails might be better suited * For small hands and fingers, try almond shaped nails * Short and plump fingers look best with squared-off, oval nails * Thicker hands or fingers with a wide nail bed should have squared off ends. * Longer nail beds look best with rounded nails. It is recommended by experts that the free edge of your nails should only extend a few millimeters beyond the tip of your finger. To begin shaping your nails, start by trimming them with a qu

Blue Laguna Nail Art

Blue Laguna Nail Art

Christmas Light Toe Nail Design

Christmas Light Nail Design for toenails.